Information published is a digest from dog's magazine "Pudel Revu" #20
As a baseline we took the german standard for harlequin colour (spotted black and white) and black-and-tan colour (black with tan marking).
F.Satisfaction Only For Yoy (GERMANY) Color: Harlequin Breed: Dwarfsh poodles Rang: JCH, JCW, CH CW, GRAND CН, CH RKF Optigen A Patela 0\0
M.Gently Born Fantasy Color: Harlequin Breed: Toy poodles Rang: JCH RUS, JCH CW, CH RUS, CH CW, RKF, GRAND, RUS, UKR, GRAND UKR, 2xEvrazia Optigen A Patela 0\0